Bank Job Preparation General Knowledge 24 MCQ


1. The largest river of Asia is…
Answer: Yangtze

2. Rebel group ‘KIA’ is of…
Answer: Myanmar

3. ‘Domino’ theory was relevant for…
Answer: South East Asia

4. The rule of East India company was abolished in…
Answer: 1858

5. The name of Chinese currency is…
Answer: Yuan

6. Cornerstone of peace is in…
Answer: Okinawa, Japan

7. The founder of ‘Hamas’ is…
Answer: Sheikh Ahmed Yassin

8. The name of new Israeli Prime Minister is…
Answer: Naftali Benet

9. ‘National League for Democracy’ headed by Aung San Suu Kyi was established in…
Answer: 1988

10. The birthplace of wine is…
Answer: Georgia

11. Feudalism first appeared in…
Answer: Italy

12. The name of presidential palace of France is…
Answer: Elysee palace

13. The old name of Switzerland is…
Answer: Helvetia

14. The South pole is situated in…
Answer: Antarctic

15. The name of British Parliament House…
Answer: Westminister palace

16. Nalada University is situated in…
Answer: Bihar, India

17. ‘Apartheid’ in South Africa was concerned with…
Answer: Separation of Black and White

18. Paracel islands is in…
Answer: South China Sea

19. Rohingya's lost their citizenship in…
Answer: 1982

20. Football war held in…
Answer: 1969

21.The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was signed in…
Answer: 14 July 2015

22. The Headquarters of ‘IUCN’ is in…
Answer: Gland, Switzerland

23. The cause of melting of Arctic ice is…
Answer: Global Warming

24. The motto of United Nations is…
Answer: This world is

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